Have been negligent in Blogging. My Apologies!
I got very Busy with Academy Awards and daily confusions and appointments.
Hope you all enjoyed the OSCARS.
They were a bit Dull to my eye and ear. And it was posted that there was a 20% drop in ratings for the program. I SAY ..as much as I love John Stewart..BRING BACK BILLY CRYSTAL!
I was knocked out by the beauty parade of our Actresses. Even Pregnant they are stunning. Helen Mirren, however, wins my vote for the classiest and most commanding of presence. Don't get me wrong they all looked sensational. But Mirren has that thing..uh..Star Charisma...so Anglicanly Understated!
Was thrilled that Marion Cotillard won for LA VIE EN ROSE..Absolutely deserved beyond question. She not only inhabited that role she ABSORBED and EXUDED it.
In our voting however I did the Politcal thing and voted for Julie Christie. I will NOT do that again. I will vote my heart!
Daniel Day Lewis in THERE WILL BE BLOOD was horrifyingly amazing and drained my resources just watching him in that part.
I think the most bypassed of the films this year was 3:10 TO YUMA which was brilliantly acted and constructed.
NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN was one of those great films that is not pleasant to watch and since the ending was NOT HOLLYWOOD HAPPY it was off putting. But sensational throughout!
I rented IN THE VALLEY OF ELAH and watched it last night. THAT is another film that is worthy of more accolades!! The message is so vile and indermining. IT shows what WAR and COMBAT, especially with no holds barred (as we see in IRAQ), can do to the human soul and spirit. Making the unspeakable and unacceptable commonplace and reasonable. The human dilemma of the parents and the soldiers and all involved is so multi layered I am still assessing how anyone can handle the conundrums.
Stellar performances in that as well. Charlize Theron takes roles that are so interesting and she does them so well you have to search for that glorious beauty you know is there.
One thing Bugged me..It ws the 80th EIGHT OH..Year of Oscars. I thought there was not enough significance put to such a landmark Birthday event in the broadcast.
Anyway..I hope you all had a Grand Oscar Party to attend. I spent it by myself as I was on the verge of getting sick and managed to fight it off by staying in.
I think it was becasue our bodies don't know what weather to fight with. It is snowy and cold in the morning and then melting rain and higher temparatures by the afternoon.
People are over dressed or underdressed and coughing in over-heated subway cars and buildings. Some of which never get fresh air.
Am anxious to see GYPSY with LuPone and now have heard enough about NOVEMBER to see if I can get 1/2 price for that.
Saw TAKE ME ALONG at the IRISH REP at 132 W 22nd Street on Thursday night.
That was a lot of fun and some trrific singing and acting on the part of Beth Glover/WIlliam Parry and Anastasia Barzee. I am always intrigued by the production values nCharlotte Moore brings to that small space. BRAVO!
Pal LONI ACKERMAN is thinking about doing the METROPOLITAN ROOM and I wouyld suggest you run to see this amazing performer. GOOGLE her!
She was Grizabella in CATS for 3 Years ..Originated Eva Peron in the LA Company of EVITA and is a Broadway veteran since 19 years old in GEORGE M!! She has a bunch of Broadway,as well s Off- Broadway, shows to her credit including the LEAD opposite Robert Morse in the ill fated SO LONG 174TH ST..the musical of ENTER LAUGHING.
She is dynamite-plus and old school old PRO to the MAX! As wel as being a great gal. SHe raised 2 sons Jack & George and is amrried to Sound Maven Steve Canyon Kennedy. So she has been off the grid Mothering for a while but is back and ready!
And in Great shape too!!
Not much else to BLAB ON THE BLOG about.
Friends continue, as I do, to seek jobs and creative outlets.
Friends and Colleagues Dan Wackerman and Kevin Kennedy who run the Pecadillo Theatre Company have acquired the manager-ship of the Off Broadway ST.CLEMENTS theatre and are preparing THE MIRACLE WORKER for a debut there. It is a teransfer from the Papremill Production. These guys are very savvy and are focused to bring good American theatre to all. They run the BANK STREET THEATRE ansd now the ST. CLEMSNTS joins their team. They are also doing backers auditions for the Musical version of A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN for Broadway. So keep their names in your sites.
The pigeons on our windowsills are trying to nest in the plants so I have to go and scare them away.
Hope your nesting is more reliable.