Hello. Been away and very busy trying to get work and manage the NEW YORK life!
So I apologize for not Blogging in a while. A long while.
Lots has ensued. But the Flap about OBAMA and that fire and brimstone minsiter and then HILLARY behaving oddly seem to take hold of our limited attention spans.
Meantime there seems to be a rev-ing up of WAR WITH IRAN.
This is scary huh?
I heard there were American Planes flying around Iran with Bunker Buster Nuclear Bombs. These bombs will kill millons and cause radiation poisoning and all sorts of horrors for others nearby. And Bush has 50 of these Bombs at his ithcy trigger finger!! OY! And Cheney's visit to Saudi Arabia caused the German Press to print an article about how to navigate Nuclear fallout if there is a conflict. JESUS!
This is really strange and something to really consider what the hell this Administration is doing. And McCain wants to keep "staying the course!" HELP!!
Quote from headline on Huffington Post:
McCain On Iraq: "We're Succeeding.
I Don't Care What Anybody Says"
I suggest people we all start acting responsible and like adults.
Enough scolding.
Saw ADDING MACHINE musical at the Minetta Lane Theatre. In itself a political view of mechanization from Elmer Rice in the 1930's yet!
It was atonal and cacophanous and off-putting to the ear. To the eye it was stylish. People walked out during the first 20 minutes.
Saw THE BANK JOB movie and enjoyed it a lot.
We went to Mary Weiss of the Shangri Las at the Blender Theatre. She is a doll and it was a trip to hear the LEADER OF THE PACK and WALKING IN THE SAND. She belted those out with gusto.
Here's her MySPace link: http://www.myspace.com/maryweiss
It was a fun evening and we met with her later. Nice evening for sure. She goes on tour in Europe and some American cities in late April.
A good friend just booked a commercial with Uma Thurman in SPAIN!!
Never been there and would Love to go..and get paid for being there.
Who says this business doesn't have some perks..even for Scale payment!
I recently did a workshop/reading of a new musical called CUBA LIBRE written by the Rock team of Desmond Child and Davitt Sigerson. They wrote some haunting melodies and very catchy and bouncy Latin rhythms. They are a very lucrative writing team and wrote many Rock hits including Ricky Martin's LA VIDA LOCA.
Eduardo Marchado wrote the book and the glorious Graciela Daniele directed it.
It went very well and was attended by over 100 producer/ backer types.Even Stephen Schwartz and Donna Murphy (whose talented husband Shawn Elliot was in the show)represented the creative side of things.
The piece needs some reworking to my eye/ear. But it has some really salient featrures for sure. I met some terrific actor/singers. I suggest keeping an ear/eye out for Martin Sola as his wonderful voice, embracing sound and swarthy good looks are a sure fire ticket to a major career. And he is a helluva nice guy. His girlfriend Michelle and he were Lun Tha and Tup TIm in KING & I. More perks from the Biz..huh?
All us actors are in major audition mode as the summer stock and CLO's are in town to see talents.
One terrific thing about auditions is seeing old pals and trading tales.
So many older types have had major health set backs but are doing fine.
I also had a wonderful conversation with a group of three younger actors while waitng to audition. I nudged my way into the conversation when I heard one of them say that Paiiti LuPone hadn't won a TONY.
Hey I was in EVITA and she GOT THAT TONY FOR SURE.
Here is the paste up from the TONY website;
Actress (Musical) Winner - Patti Lupone (Evita)
Nominees: Christine Andreas (Oklahoma!)
Sandy Duncan (Peter Pan)
Ann Miller (Sugar Babies)
We started talking and they were amazingly on track when it came to their vision of the way the business is running along.
Nice to hear from bright young artists how they see their involvement in this mix.
So we'll all see what might matures into some jobs that might morph into a career for us, who are still trying to exercise our abilities.
Not much more to impart.
Hope that Spring has SPrung for most of us.
And I am waiting for the weather to catch up with that. We had NO real Winter and that "SPRING IS ".. N O T.. to quote the song; "...HERE"
The Wild weather Photn is of Atlanta's Tornado.>SCARY !!