Saturday, April 26, 2008
Is it Spring or what?
Sprouts are blooming and green is the color outside, but the temperature is UP then Down..Is this Global warming? No real Seasons, just spurts with sprouts?
The city is jammed with construction and noise and people. The sirens seem to blare at the most annoying times..mostly when you try to cell phone.
On my way to auditions and appointments it is like dodging a barrage of projectiles. either noise or objects, in a Video game!
Since I love to take photos I try as much as I can to take them without people in them. To find the serene beauty or majestic facades that are all around us. I have to look around and remind myself how wonderful parts of this New York is before they tear it down or bury it behind more of the garrish new high rises that are also sprouting along with the blossoms of this Sort Of Spring.
The joy of strolling is now made a chore as one has to keep aware of traffic, construction debris, and the ubiquitious baby prams that clog and block one's path.
Since they are deconstructing a building across from our building on 9th Avenue
we are awakened EVERY morning at 7AM. Who knew they changed the LAW and they are allowed to BANG RAM AND SLAM at that early hour. But THEY ARE !
The city is spawning a sort of mean spirited and selfish attitude beyond the likes of what I have seen before.
The prices of food and sustenance are getting out of control and people, even if one can afford it, are rightfully cranky and outraged. But they take it out on each other.
The politcal unrest and the Circus of this absurd Democratic primary campaign is a daily source of gall and angst.
We are definitely in the throes of a very odd time in history and our sense of balance is constantly at odds with our sense of values.
We are a nation in dire need of GROWING UP as we have been so dumbed down.
What are we, or those young people coming up the road, to aspire to?
What are we/they inspired by?
And why are we/they not motivated to do better. I say look back on the last 30 years and especially the last 8 years and therein lies the rotten answers.
Greed and Money and all the limits that puts on a society are in play. Instead of opening up things with one's wealth we seem to be set on closing things tighter around us.
Progress is looked on as a plaque, and intellectual discourse is likewise anathema to the mindless desire to be forever on a sophomoric level of stunted growth.
One hears street talk as one navigates through all this. What was once stimulating and exciting, thought provoking, intellectual pursuit is now not only about real estate and business deals but in foreign tongues.
We are not who we think we are. And certainly NOT who we were. It is a loss of amazing proportions.
Although New York is looking very beautiful and shiny in many ways, it has lost its edge and its stimulating essence. To see the throngs of people frantically buzzing about the main areas like midtown and the theatre district one isn't aware of the loss. But the real excitement of this city used to have a constant and tangible beat that one felt even in the late and early hours of the day. The empty street had the residue and patina left by the gushing energy of all it's amazing inhabitants.
We have moved this place into a homogenized blandness to the point that even trendy and fashionable Fifth Avenue is not anything more than a thought once realized as a thriving commodity.
It is a kind of mall for the transient visitor. Not the mainstay it once was of the best of the best.
Still outrageous price tags flutter at SAKS. But the joy of the unique is gone.
The sections of the city that defined its beautiful wanton maverick and seductive grit has been washed into a pleasant and polished universal blandness. And since corporate minds see and make a profit from this there is no end in sight.
I mourn the loss of this electric and eccentric energy as I mourn the loss of a loved one.
Things change, is the universal addage we are forced to swallow. Yes, they do change but for what purpose and for whose benefit.
Yet when one sees the Spring flowers and the green lawns of Central Park, the fountains of the various pocket parks and the window boxes overflowing with a profusion of fresh colors and leafy tendrils that dance in the wind, one remembers that maybe somewhere and somehow the beauty and joy that stimulated and energized the great minds and hearts of New York is still there. Perhaps dormant like the 17 year locusts waiting to finalyl burst forth in a Buzz of new life and real progress. I hope I am around for that and glad I lived through it.
When a society or a people are deprived of experiences they have no basis to meausre the experiences they are having and soemhow want to not hear from those who had experience. It is a closing of the doors of your life.
I was brought up to be curious and to listen to those who might know something I do not. Then to filter and to assimilate and finally digest and use all that I learned to form my opinion and my paths.
Today it seems young people, who are dreadfully underpaid and overworked, have no desire to learn anything but how to make lots of money as an end in itself.
OK..Then what..???
Bet they get some land or a window box and plant something with some life in it and watch it grow!
Sprouts are blooming and green is the color outside, but the temperature is UP then Down..Is this Global warming? No real Seasons, just spurts with sprouts?
The city is jammed with construction and noise and people. The sirens seem to blare at the most annoying times..mostly when you try to cell phone.
On my way to auditions and appointments it is like dodging a barrage of projectiles. either noise or objects, in a Video game!
Since I love to take photos I try as much as I can to take them without people in them. To find the serene beauty or majestic facades that are all around us. I have to look around and remind myself how wonderful parts of this New York is before they tear it down or bury it behind more of the garrish new high rises that are also sprouting along with the blossoms of this Sort Of Spring.
The joy of strolling is now made a chore as one has to keep aware of traffic, construction debris, and the ubiquitious baby prams that clog and block one's path.
Since they are deconstructing a building across from our building on 9th Avenue
we are awakened EVERY morning at 7AM. Who knew they changed the LAW and they are allowed to BANG RAM AND SLAM at that early hour. But THEY ARE !
The city is spawning a sort of mean spirited and selfish attitude beyond the likes of what I have seen before.
The prices of food and sustenance are getting out of control and people, even if one can afford it, are rightfully cranky and outraged. But they take it out on each other.
The politcal unrest and the Circus of this absurd Democratic primary campaign is a daily source of gall and angst.
We are definitely in the throes of a very odd time in history and our sense of balance is constantly at odds with our sense of values.
We are a nation in dire need of GROWING UP as we have been so dumbed down.
What are we, or those young people coming up the road, to aspire to?
What are we/they inspired by?
And why are we/they not motivated to do better. I say look back on the last 30 years and especially the last 8 years and therein lies the rotten answers.
Greed and Money and all the limits that puts on a society are in play. Instead of opening up things with one's wealth we seem to be set on closing things tighter around us.
Progress is looked on as a plaque, and intellectual discourse is likewise anathema to the mindless desire to be forever on a sophomoric level of stunted growth.
One hears street talk as one navigates through all this. What was once stimulating and exciting, thought provoking, intellectual pursuit is now not only about real estate and business deals but in foreign tongues.
We are not who we think we are. And certainly NOT who we were. It is a loss of amazing proportions.
Although New York is looking very beautiful and shiny in many ways, it has lost its edge and its stimulating essence. To see the throngs of people frantically buzzing about the main areas like midtown and the theatre district one isn't aware of the loss. But the real excitement of this city used to have a constant and tangible beat that one felt even in the late and early hours of the day. The empty street had the residue and patina left by the gushing energy of all it's amazing inhabitants.
We have moved this place into a homogenized blandness to the point that even trendy and fashionable Fifth Avenue is not anything more than a thought once realized as a thriving commodity.
It is a kind of mall for the transient visitor. Not the mainstay it once was of the best of the best.
Still outrageous price tags flutter at SAKS. But the joy of the unique is gone.
The sections of the city that defined its beautiful wanton maverick and seductive grit has been washed into a pleasant and polished universal blandness. And since corporate minds see and make a profit from this there is no end in sight.
I mourn the loss of this electric and eccentric energy as I mourn the loss of a loved one.
Things change, is the universal addage we are forced to swallow. Yes, they do change but for what purpose and for whose benefit.
Yet when one sees the Spring flowers and the green lawns of Central Park, the fountains of the various pocket parks and the window boxes overflowing with a profusion of fresh colors and leafy tendrils that dance in the wind, one remembers that maybe somewhere and somehow the beauty and joy that stimulated and energized the great minds and hearts of New York is still there. Perhaps dormant like the 17 year locusts waiting to finalyl burst forth in a Buzz of new life and real progress. I hope I am around for that and glad I lived through it.
When a society or a people are deprived of experiences they have no basis to meausre the experiences they are having and soemhow want to not hear from those who had experience. It is a closing of the doors of your life.
I was brought up to be curious and to listen to those who might know something I do not. Then to filter and to assimilate and finally digest and use all that I learned to form my opinion and my paths.
Today it seems young people, who are dreadfully underpaid and overworked, have no desire to learn anything but how to make lots of money as an end in itself.
OK..Then what..???
Bet they get some land or a window box and plant something with some life in it and watch it grow!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Had to go to get Blood test today at Lenox Hill and afterwards walked South along Fifth Avenue and across Central Park at 72nd Street through the IMAGINE circle.
It was a moody, warm and rainy afternoon. Very New York! Or NEEW YAWK.
The little bit of seasonal flair we are now allowed was in abundance in the Park.
The buds are budding and the birds active and chirping. The Squirrels ..are..well Squirrely!
The walkways were mostly deserted but people who were there were taking pictures and jogging. Some with their baby trams being pushed by a bouncing lycra clad parent.
The air was humid and still and the placid mirror-like lakes and park waters were reflecting magically.
Not much more to report.
Enjoy the 65 degree Weather!
Had to go to get Blood test today at Lenox Hill and afterwards walked South along Fifth Avenue and across Central Park at 72nd Street through the IMAGINE circle.
It was a moody, warm and rainy afternoon. Very New York! Or NEEW YAWK.
The little bit of seasonal flair we are now allowed was in abundance in the Park.
The buds are budding and the birds active and chirping. The Squirrels ..are..well Squirrely!
The walkways were mostly deserted but people who were there were taking pictures and jogging. Some with their baby trams being pushed by a bouncing lycra clad parent.
The air was humid and still and the placid mirror-like lakes and park waters were reflecting magically.
Not much more to report.
Enjoy the 65 degree Weather!
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