Welcome to SUMMER..almost!
Got back to NYC on Saturday Morning at 8:14 AM..took the AIR TRAIN from JFK. Again-THE ONLY WAY TO GET TO AND FROM THERE!!
And this time I was able to push the right SENIOR fare button. SO the whole trip cost me $8.50 !!
Jet Blue was a plesure and although there were 5 children-4 babies-on the Flight... NOT ONE MADE A SOUND!
I had a great time in Palm Springs and a visit to DISNEYLAND (a free bee from friend of a friend). How do families do it? It costs $91 to ENTER the place. JEZ!
Saw pals I haven't seen in too many years and spent time with some new friends.
Including the wonderful Kaye Ballard. Her cousin the ceramic and glass artist Paul Bellardo is 85 and still doing incredible work. He is also now painting as well as ceramics. Amazingly productive and creative. BEAUTIFUL WORK!!
Kaye had a partial knee replacement operation and is Back in the hospital as she BROKE the knee after going home. She is in a cast now and needs all good vibes for a quick and painless recovery. She is a dynamic and loving woman with a bottomless well of talent and Heart. LOVE HER.. READ HER BOOK:
Spent the Memorial Weekend with new pal Danny Gerwin who is a terrific singer and a pretty terrific fellow. His partner Hank Stratton is also a great guy. Hank and I did the CABARET tour. He was Cliff and was terrific and played a year.
Met the Casting Director of DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES. Only I had no idea that was his job. Great guy and very handsome and personable.
My vry dear friend Calvin Remsberg thee premiere vocal teacher in LA..is fighting his obesity and slowly winning through determination and grit. He has lost 106Plus pounds.!! BRAVO CALVIN!!
I had a wonderful meal at MOZZA in LA. Mario Batali's restaurant. We were there to celebrate the wonderful, and dear Zelda "THIS HOUSE IS CLEAN" Rubinstein. That sweet soul is 75 years old. A milestone for a little person!
Batali was in the place and sat with us to wish Zelda a Happy Birthday. A very nice and cordial and genrous man.
Jeffrey Katzenberg sat at the nbext table..WHY had I forgotten my Resume & Picture!!?
He drove off in a PRIUS whihc put him up many pegs in my book!
Speaking of Prius..Friend Clark Bason picked me up in a borrowed Prius. His business partner the dynamic Dina Sterr lent it to him. It was an amazingly comfortable ride and teh car handled the road beautifully. AND it cost only $39 to fill it up!
Even with Gas at $4.09 a gallon...When we drove to the Ontario, Cal airport for my departure the price was up to $4.23 a gallon for unleaded. WHAT IS GOING ON!!
Let ud hope that OBAMA wins in November and the Congress gets an overhaul as well. Then perhaps the corporate stranglehold will loosen and will ease the financial pains that we are suffering.
I am looking forward to a 30th Anniversary. My Partner Jeff and I have been together 30 years June 21st ! MY GOD!! It truly seems like we met yesterday sometimes.
We hope to make some changes in our lives soon and get some quality of life upgrades.
Meantime he is working steadily which is more than I can say for myself.
But I keep plugging away. I am doing a reading of A CROOKED MAN for the TRU THEATRE CO.. So keep an eye on the websites for that.
Friends are experiencing some momentum in work and that always makes me feel good.
So perhaps the OBAMA candidacy and teh Hillary acceptance and concession will lead us into a NEW ERA of Reason, Sanity and some more Creative Times. Our culture has suffered thee pst years and it is time we buffered our music/Art and theatre and groomed future artists who enrich our lives.
How about a subsidized National Theatre like in England?
Have a Margarita and a