Carole King sang those lyrics a long while ago.
In this TOXIC political atmosphere we must hold on to the hope that Time heals and Love paves the foundation for betterment.
We are not facing the truths that are facing us.
This Palin nonsense and the McCain lying are OBVIOUS avoidance tactics that a 10 year old can recognize. Why are we allowing that to permeate our reason?
We need some ADULTS at the helm and SOON. The longer the "undecided" play the game of questioning the OBAMA campaign along with his persona the more our world falls into chaos.
CHANGE is what we need..NOT THE SAME WITH MCCAIN. Actually he would be WORSE than the Same.
More PAIN with MCCAIN..
This Bulldozer and Butch SLAM THEM with non issues and emotional hot buttons that have nothing to do with the reality MUST NOT WORK IN THIS ELECTION.
The Right is out to destroy our Democracy and take away our rights and our genreal healthy progressive way of life.
It is as much of a shame to see the collapse of Financial Institutions as it was to watch teh WTC collapse.
But the Bush policies of avarice and greed and Dictatorial non-accountable deregulation is OBVIOUSLY not helping anything but the VERY RICH.
WE ARE PAYING NOT ONLY WITH OUR DWINDLING MONEY BUT WITH OUR LIVES..and our kids lives..and our genreal health as well.
It is TIME to take the leap of faith and vote OBAMA...and once again LOVE the country and the democracy we stand for. Only through this doorway can we grow because the LIGHT will once again shine.
We have been kept in dank darkness and Fear for more than the Bush years by these insidious vagrants of vacuous verocity.
Evil has been given a whole new facet with this bunch. BUT they are in power because YOU have let them Take and Take.
TIME to REVERSE this nonsense
and TIME to stop the HATE and Evil they profess as STRENGTH and POWER.
Take back our lives and put some true LOVE back into the way we pass through our daily experiences.HELP each other and make a better world in doing all that.
Vote OBAMA and Stop the BULLSHIT