"POLITICS and POKER" was a song title in the musical FIORELLO circa 1960 about LaGuardia's Mayorship of NYC in the 1930's.
We are now in the POKER OF POLITICS in SPADES.
McCain and Obama have debated twice and we got a Debate between Biden and Palin as well.
All the players are trying to trump the opponent and pull out a card that will sway the table stakes toward them.
Unfortunately the Economic situation and the Gluttonous Greed that has caused it is causing the citizens stress and in some cases ruin. And in some cases Suicide. This is a horrible atmosphere to wake up to every morning.
The Bailout is Obscene to my thinking and has not obviously helped anyone that really needs help.
The Republicans will destroy services and policies that help the common working person for the greed and riches of the Few. That is the way they have behaved for many years but in major aggressive ballistic mode since Bush took the White House.
We can all live here and make a living doing that IF the playground is level.
Bush and his cronies LABEL policies with grand names that evoke honorable intent and then UNDERFUND and destroy them. Then they point and pronounce on FOX NEWS mostly, to the Policies and Departments they underfunded and say "SEE GOVERNMENT IS NOT WORKING!"
A friend who tried to get 4 weeks or so of OWED back Unemployment checks that were withheld because he worked those weeks, had a devil of a time;
In his quest he was told that
There is one on Varick Street which is a screening place for Orientation for getting you into a job searching mode. They are well equipped and staffed well and have all sorts of facilities for you to use in SEARCH of a job interview.
BUT they told him" NO ONE on the premises is able to TALK to you about YOUR claim."
WHAT WHAT WHAT??? He had tried to call the Phone Number for the Dept of Labor and was roller coastered through eh electronic menu. Never got to a person to ANSWER or HELP him.
He talked with the PUBLIC ADVOCATES office. The man he spoke with told him that he was told by his superiors ..that he was "NOT to call NY Unemployment anymore. They are overwhelmed with calls." The implication was he would be in JOB trouble if he did that.
WHAT? WHAT? WHAT?What is the Public Advocate there FOR but to ADVOCATE FOR THE PUBLIC??
My friend was at a loss. I told him to Call and Email all the News Stations on Radio and TV and make this situation KNOWN!
This fellow is working at temp job. WHICH he was told would last for a year or more. This is another chip in the POKER game ..
Businesses..Solvent ones are NOT hiring full time people. BECAUSE they can UNDERPAY them and NOT offer BENEFITS and NO OVERTIME PAY!
This is all under the public Radar.
When you hear the Republicans talk about JOBS and JOB creation they NEVER EVER...mention A WELL PAID JOB WITH BENEFITS and Overtime.
They are Ghosts with no help and no Government resources to guide or help.
These are people who have worked and PAID into Social Security and paid Taxes and are left out in the rain.
How many more due to this insidious Bush/Republican manipulation are WORKING and still impoverished. THEY ARE COUNTED AS EMPLOYED, but aren't able to MAKE A LIVING!
WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? We get Race, Lies and Sarah Palin as a Major Distraction by a Minor player. She pushes buttons on both sides and meanwhile their Republican machine continues to grind us into the ground.
Using HATE and FEAR...
WHAT? WHAT? WHAT?The Bottom line is WHAT? WHAT ? WHAT?
do we do.
I think NOT be blinded or sideswiped by the SAME selfish greed gluttons who are wanting the "IV" of Political Plasma left in their veins to Kingdom Come! These Voracious Vampires have tapped our Monetary Artery and slowly drained us of our resources. They want to continue this by rewording the SAME policies and Ideology.
This is what we are hearing from MCCAIN and PALIN and in the coroners from the Right Wing News anchors and Rove induced fanatics.
When someone yelled out "TERRORIST and KILL HIM" at Palin's Florida RALLY.
GIDGET ADDRESSING THE REICHSTAG someone called it, We get EXACTLY how these Dangerous politicians are provoking their base ( and I use that word in ALL its meanings) into perhaps DOING in Fact wheat they are Implying in Word.
This is AMERICA?
WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?Until Palin and McCain STOP this type of LOW and DANGEROUS rhetoric and disavow those who are energized into frantic behavior, we are not ever going to have a real America.
Palin kept saying "There Ya Go Joe, POINTING BACKWARDS again!"
And what has McCain been doing except pointing Backwards to his own Questionable record and behavior!
And then POINTING BACKWARD to Obama's behavior. Only Obama's behavior hasn't brought us to this Ruin?
And in ONE instance they pointed to an Obama that was 8 Years OLD!
One surmises they would aim at that because THEY themselves are infantile and sophomoric so why wouldn't they think that was a viable pointing?
We do not need a political poker game that includes event h breath of Assassinating an opponent. We don't WANT it and we don't want anything but some help and relief from the devastating situation we are in and the eventual perpetuation of more loss of Health Insurance, Jobs..WELL PAYING JOBS, International Disgraces, Financial Ruin and the Divisive Hate these Republicans have mad us Wallow in while THEY float in their Yachts and ride in their BMW's over all our devastation!!!
WHAT? WHAT? WHAT?What do we do?
My Friend FINALLY managed to get a hold of someone who said he would get his checks. B|But look what HE had to do to get what was OWED him.
We as a general population have to jump through HOOPS and Over many HURDLES before we can get basic things in place.
This takes our energy and drive into places that deplete our hearts and souls.
They have made things so difficult for you and me we may eventually give up and ....and
WHAT? WHAT? WHAT?Well This is what they perhaps want...it allows them to continue to underfund, close services and places that provide them and we are left with
WHAT? WHAT? WHAT?We can VOTE.. and HOPE the VOTE is counted.
But we have to VOTE in HUGE HUGE HUGE Numbers.
So VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!Change is the ONLY thing that will CHANGE things.
We can't afford MORE of the SAME...Hey that almost rhymes with McCain..