Have been bouncing about and indulging lately.
Friends from out of town and friends doing shows and acts in town.
We loved pal Jon Peterson's SONG & DANCE MAN at TRIAD . He is appearing Monday the 18th t 9PM and again on Wednesday May 20th at 7PM 158 W 72nd. Go see this wonderful show.
Colleague April Nixon, an astonding performer and great girl, is performing late on Monday the 18th at Splash on 17th St. FREE before 10Pm and $5 after 11PM! She is worth the trip to Chelsea.
Reconnected with friend from San Francisco and his
husband. They married under the California new law and are legal. I hope New York FINALLY grows up and stops being a victim of the provincial Puritanism that has nothing to do with, what I feel, is the absolute disregard for Human Rights. These are NOT Special Rights. I LOVE how the Republicans Radical Right has stamped that phrase on anything THEY want to vilify and marginalize. I don't want to go beyond that as I think the whole country has been dumbed down and dis-educated when it comes to human rights and human cohabitation and human understandings in general.
The Gay Marriage bill is active in Albany and they are debating it as I write.
Anyway..I am all for it and I think any couple who have been sharing their lives for many years have every right to be accepted into a "legalized" union. The horror stories of gay couples losing their loved one and the loved one's family
TAKING..ok let's go there..
STEALING..what should be lawfully sanctified.
We also have been enjoying the wonderful SAG Screenings at the Director's Guild on 57th.
We saw EASY VIRTUE last night and it is SUPERB! When it is released I highly recommend this witty,humorous,stylish and flawlessly acted film. Based on a lesser known Noel Coward play and adapted beautifully and filmed gloriously.
Kristin Scott Thomas is unbelievable and sturdy as the Matriarch of a disintegrating High born English family whose fortune is dwindling. Jennifer Biel and Colin Firth are in great form as well. I have said too much and you will think I am pushy. Well I AM! Go see it!!
We are seeing the presentation of the musical adaptation of SHIP OF FOOLS. I guess it is a backer's audition.
Pal Sean McDermott is singing and Linda Balgord, Mark Jacoby and Karen Akers are assuming the roles that were so wonderfully portrayed by Geroge Segal, Vivien Leigh, Oskar Werner, and Simone Signore in the 60's film. I am so curious to hear and see what they do with the piece.
The awful rain has finally ceased and we are in a wonderful cool Spring at last.
During the rainy deluge I shot a short film called P.I. over a week ago and the post production is going on now.
We set up a temp site for P.I. , you can check out a few stills: http://fwdlabs.com/film/pi/
I did LATE NIGHT WITH JIMMY FALLON last Thursday May 7th. It was so much fun.
Here's the story;
I came back from a film audition that was downtown on Spring & 6th Ave. It was a beautiful day and I decided to walk north through the Village, take pictures and spend a quiet afternoon after going to the gym.
I got home by 1:30 and was at the computer when I got a call from my agent;
I don't know if you are interested in this but..." Seems they needed someone to play an Italian Chef in a skit on JIMMY FALLON complete with accent.
It was almost 2PM..they needed me at 30 Rockefeller Center by 2:30!!
I got there in time.
As I signed in at the Visitor's desk and I bumped into a girl I had done CABARET with..small world..Then after getting into my Chef's coat, hat, striped pants and red bandanna ..a Wardrobe fellow started to adjust my bandanna. As I looked at him I said.."What is your name..?"
"Michael.." I told him my name and he said "Oh my God we worked together on..."
He rattled off a Broadway show and a TV show I had done. So the small world became tiny!! =0-)
In the "STAR TREK " Beam Us Up skit..I was 3rd character to be "Beamed" into the studio. The fourth was a GOAT. We rehearsed without Fallon and then with Fallon and then shot the piece at 5:30.
In BOTH the rehearsals the Goat POOPED Prolifically all over the set. And poor Fallon almost got a face full as the Goat occupied the seat near the desk,
I never experienced Goat Poop and was glad to see it was pellets which were easily cleaned up by its trainers.
I leaned over to one of the writers and said
"I hope one of your sponsors is a Laxative !"
Luckily the Goat wasn't sharing his excrement when we actually taped the show..although Fallon was a bit edgy when the Goat was back up on the guest seat next to his desk. Who could blame him. He handled it all very well. He is a very funny guy and easy to work with.
Martha Stewart was also on the show and she brought her 2 dogs.Frannie and Sharky I think were their names. Cute little bulldogs, French I think. They were more interested in the goat than any of us. However, they were gracious enough to pose for many pictures.
Martha Stewart was very nice and personable and fun. She came equipped with may "Designer Collars" and outfits for the animals which were to be featured on the show.
She collared the dogs in BLING an it was very funny.
I left after my bit was over and all the feedback I got from the writers and Stage Managers was very good.
I watched the show that night and the whole skit was very funny and well done by all. A highlight on that broadcast.
I thought how great to go to Gorgeous Radio City and walk through those amazing halls and have a job in those historical Studios.
All I could think as I ascended the escalator was; "SID CAESAR".."JACKIE GLEASON" all were here and made history!!
It was a wonderful spur of the moment thing and I had a great time.
I got some wonderful emails form friends and family who saw it.
So it was more than worth it.
I hit the Brookstone store on the Rockefeller Plaza Promenade yesterday and bought a second "desk fan." It is a very good little fan that has power and is QUIET! I have one and needed one to circulate the air in the kitchen which has no vent when cooking.
If you need a small efficient fan go see this one.
Anyway..It is a gorgeous day and I must go to the gym and sweat some.
Hope you all are enjoying this Spring at last!