This is amazing weather.huh?
There is literally MOSS growing on some of the sidewalks on our block!
Not much to share as we are in the throes of trying to manage a loan. More on that later.
Have been listening to the BLAB about the Public Option for Healthcare. The opposition is absurd. This is a necessity and 76% of the people according to the NBC and WALL STREET JOURNAL polls WANT IT!!
I recommend Ed Shultz on Air America radio 1600AM 12 -3PM and on MSNBC-TV at 6 through 7PM.
And Randi Rhodes on KTLK from LA streaming on the internet-3 to 6PM.
It is amazing how smart and interesed and on it the callers are. And how much more of an educated electorate we have!
I have called Schumer and Gilebrand and hope that more people have called their reprsentatives.
Capitol Switchboard : 1-800-473-6711
Senate Switchboard : 1-877-331- 1223That's what I used.
This is a very important issue. We are being gamed by the Insurance companies, right wing zealots and the Congress people who are being Lobbied and therefore in the pockets of these guys.
We voted for Change and have a Majority and we can't get a health plan option that 76% of us want?? Something smells funny eh? Obama step up to the plate and slam one to the Minority!
Sometimes one thinks the Democrats are fine with this. And what about Al Franken not being allowed to occupy a rightfully electeed Senate seat. Why is the Minnesota Supreme Court dragging its feet on the decision to let him sit? Does the Democratic Senate not want a filibuster proof voting majority so it can coast within a safety zone of complascent deniability.
Anyway..I am off to Maine for 8 weeks to do GUYS & DOLLS as of June 29th. As I have never been to Maine and I am very happily anxious.
I taped an episode of ALL MY CHILDREN on Monday it should be aired July 21st- Episode 10170. I played a Child Psychiatrist and it was fun.
Not much more to Yak about so I will let you all go and enjoy SINGING IN THE RAIN