Another Summer is gone and we are into a new Season.
For me the year always starts with September as that was the School Year!
Hope all you had a great Summer.
We had a very diverse Summer. I spent it working and trying to fit visits to friends in as well.
Made a whole lot of new pals while working and hope to God we all can work together again. GUYS & DOLLS was so much fun with a supreme group of actors. Ogunquit is a must for anyone who wants a gorgeous place to spend a Summer holiday. WOW!
And it is a user friendly place with that wonderful historical 77 year old Ogunquit Playhouse. GO if you can!
In July we closed on a house in Palm Springs and throughout August we were trying to set that up enough to make it usable and livable. What an adventure. As we are New Yorkers and have to be here for work we will be in a transitional phase for many years. Bi-Coastal is what we are now I guess.
I can't say enough about how beautiful Palm Springs is! Even in the 100+ temperatures we endured. Anything less HUMID than NY at 80 degrees is pleasant to me.
Ironically it reminds me of the time we spent in Florence,( Firenze) Italy. It was HOT but Dry. One has to moisturize and your nose is constantly closing up! =0-)
The evenings however are pleasant and ultra starry.
We had a few social moments with good pals Clark Bason & Mark Esposito and our wonderful Kaye Ballard and Myvanwy Jenns at RUBYS in Rancho Mirage. We spent an amazing evening with Bob Greenbaum at his palatial solar ultra Moderne home in Palm Springs with a view to die for. WOWOWOWOW..I take very good photos but nothing can compare with the real deal!
Since we returned to NY we have packed many boxes of stuff to send to Palm Springs.
It is amazing, but not uncommon for those who live in NY , to have acquired so much that you don't realize it.
Our sweet apartment in Chelsea is finally gonna Breathe after so many years of constricted living.
We managed to have a really good brunch at VINYL on 15th St and 8th Ave and treated our pal Kel who helped us get stuff from Storage the day before. Ken Roberson our CAROLINE OR CHANGE at Baltimore Center Stage was there and we played catch up. he looked great and so happy. So Good to see his smiling face and uplifting spirit!
Incidentally, the next day after an audition I was on the corner of 8th Ave & 23rd and bumped into David Scweitzer who directed CAROLINE. Small world!
I was away from NY for about 2 months and on Sunday we went to Bloomingdale's and walked through Chelsea. The amount of CLOSED businesses was astounding. In many places the local businesses are being replaced by corporate concerns. Most of NY is getting to look like a Mall with common stores that offer nothing new or indigenous or interesting. And expensive!
It is a shame really.
I came to NYC in 1967 and through the years the place has of course changed a great deal. But nothing like what has happened in the last decade.
So many great local businesses and small shops and galleries have gone under and folded into the corporate scheme.
There is no real Greenwich Village..which was a bastion of intellectual and progressive thought and energy. It is now a cosmetically beautiful place but has little vibrancy.
So many neighborhoods have lost texture and substance.
On the other hand I am in love with the new Highline Park. But again it is more of a Tourist haven than a neighborhood perk.
The weather here has been so great since this weekend and today is sunny and cool and perfect. If I had the time I would bike ride.
Must go and do more chores and warm up for an audition ...for tomorrow!!
Oh our pals Wayne Scherzer (an Artist's Rep) and Steve Bluestein had a Premiere of Steve's play REST IN PIECES in Glen Falls NY and it got Raves. BRAVO boys!!
Steve is a wonderful writer with a Neil Simon at his best edge!
Look for REST IN PIECES first in Regional theatre, which is their next step..then BROADWAY.
You heard it here first!
And keep an ear and eye out for a musical version of LIKE WATER FOR CHOCOLATE!!
So the Summer is gone but the Fall is certainly an UP!
Hope you all enjoy the new Season.