New York at Holiday time has to be the Best!
My favorite things are Rockefeller Center and tehj Store WIndows from Barneys to Macys and beyond! Bergdorff always wins in my contest of best windows.
Elaborate, excitng, and extraordiary!
This year is no diffrent.
I took a trek after seeing my Doctor on Tuesday and then again yesterday Thursday with m,y frined Patrick.
We even went up to the TOP OF THE ROCK and saw the lighted magic from above. WOWOWOW
We went around 6:30-7PM anmd it was not crowded and luckily not windy. Go if you want a breathtaking view of 360 Manhattan.
I saw many windows that I thought uninspired and heard Bloomingdale's were so awful that I shouldn't bother. So I didn't.
SAKS had a sort of Undersea theme which I am still tyrying to figure out. What did that have to do with X-Mas ??
It was invigorating if cold to walk from the Plaza to Macys.
Large crowds on the streets but although joustly weren't aggressively cranky.
We saw LA BETE on Tuesday evening and it was sensational. Highly recommend it.
Perfomrance by the amazing Mark Rylance, David Hyde Pierce stepping far away from his usual persona, and the delicious Joanna Lumley were high caliber in a beautifully directed and written show.
Seeing DIVINE SISTER,Charles Bush's latest tonight. Can't wait!
I urge all to see THE KING'S SPEECH. ANohter wonderful film that is tight and informative and gorgeously acted and directed.
Our tree is up and so are our spirits.