We are under another foot of snow. It snowed alot last night and this morning it was a wonderland of crisp branches and blanketed streets and backyards.
By the later morning and afternoon the temperature rose and teh snow fell in chunks off the fire escapes. Dripping messes everywhere.
I went out to food shop and it was almost impossible to wade through the ponds at the corner crosswalks.
Crossing mid block was not easy as the water flowed like a river along the snow barricaded curbs. I hopped over the river into the snow and fell into the snowbank.
So it is not an easy thing to navigate even in a city environment.
The subways at least had the stairs shoveled this time around so one didn't have to employ gear that Mt Everest would require.
Got smart ass phone calls from friends in California professing the 70-80 degree temperatures. THANKS!
In truth I am not put off by the snow. It is just that I am concerned about the global warming trend that may make snow and this sort of intense weather the norm!
I notice how the Fall is so short. The glorious Fall was my favorite time of year in New York.
Family and friends on Long Island are always the worst hit with this weather. My cousin had 5 feet of snow in her backyard covering her patio furniture. As she is moving in 2 weeks she prays for a thaw!
The SAG Awards are this weekend. I already voted and recommend THE KINGS SPECH and SOCIAL NETWORK.
But we also enjoyed THE FIGHTER, CONVICTION and yes BLACK SWAN.
Generally we also enjoyed the 3-D TRON...It is one film that is enhanced by 3D.
Too many aren't. I remember 3D when I was a youngster. It was primitive and the staging of the films were obviously designed to come AT YOU.
KISS ME KATE has too many instnaces where the camera is played to like mad.
Some of the BEST 3D is in Disney Parks. BUG'S LIFE is a prime example.
I hear we are in for MORE SNOW later next week...or so one of my California pals informed me.
I hardly leave the apartment and stuff myself with hot chocolate and too much food.
So I suggest we get DVD's and snuggle up and watch films and havet hot tea...Ok Hot Toddies too.