Been bouncing about New York looking for some bargains and goodies for Christmas.
Not easy in this CROWDED and AGGRESSIVE town. Some people are soemtimes passive aggressive to a fault. They will not move along and let others pass. The most hateful of all are those who congregate and talk in groups and block sidewalks and will continue talking even when you excuse yourself and pass between them. The worst however are the people who STOP DEAD at the top (or bottom) of an escalator. Blocking everyone from getting off.
Others are the arrogant aisle blockers. They stand in the middle of the very narrow chopping aisles and you can't get around them. Then they are annoyed when you pass them. Go figure. I reserve the right to also be annoyed with women and men who shop with baby trams and carriages. Especailly the doublewide ones. They have to have someone to watch these kids so they can shop without clogging and endangering the kids as well as others.
I managed to take advantage of a 25% discount at Barnes & Noble and got some cards and a 2008 calendar. I then strolled along 23rd Street to HOME DEPOT got my 18 rolls of 2 Ply Charmin for $10.98 and left there for a romp down 6th Ave.
Restoration hardware has lost its edge for me. Wound up at Banana Republic and took advantage of a major sale. A wool hand made sweater that was $300 was $159 and I got it minus 15% discount for signing up for thier advantage card.
That was a treat. I will check it out again after the holidays.
So I managed to get some good quality things for bargain prices. But still it is not easy to shop frugally and mantian style. I think women have mor choices in general than men.
Quality stuff is always difficult to buy at cost. Daffys sometimes has good things but you have to really concentrate. But I always find something worthwhile.
I usually bring my Camera and snap at interesting subjects but forgot it today. SO I will add some shots I took last night when I went in search of a tree. Finally found one for $25. But had to spend $10 on a new stand. This is a very small 4 ft Tree and I had a stand that was too large.
With a tree up and lighted in the living room it is sbeginning to look a lot like Christmas.
I guess that's a good thing with ONE MORE SHOPPING DAY to go and then it hits.
I keep playng the Manhattan Transfer Christmas Album along with some Big Band Christmas CD's that are terrific, but the tree really helped brighten the spirit.
Hope you all have great Bargains and Great Food and Great Friends to Enjoy.
If we EVER see a WHITE CHRISTMAS again I might even find it easier to believe in Santa Once More!
Deck the Halls and Sing A Carol
Drink the Egg Nog by the Barrel
Slice the Ham with Honey Glaze
And Celebrate the Holidays
With Pals and Friends to Join the Fun
God has Blessed us , EVERY ONE!
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