What happened to the WEATHERMAN who could at least closely predict?
We were gearing for SNOW and NOPE!
We are never sure what to expect. Back to the Farmer's Almanac?
Anyway..It seems we are heading for a Repression/Depression according to all indicators.
It will be intersting to see what happens. Especially when we see the churlsh arguing among politicians and the backhanded swats this Administration takes at oppostion.
One day Canada puts us on their TOTURE NATIONS list..and then they Bend to the will of this Administration and the USA is now Off the List.
When Helen Thomas asked at Presidential Press Conference today if we leaned on the Canadain Government? Perino said smuggly that they had "talks." Hmm, with Waterboarding?
This is a bullying process that I hope stops once the election is in full swing.
But whatever, we must survive.
And we will. Even if there is Looting and Riots in the Streets which we hope is not the case.
We are gearing up for the SAG AWARDS which looks like it might be the ONLY Awards show broadcast this season. I hear it has something to do with the SAG Union being part of the Guilds and therefore not under the same rules that strikers are fighting.
Was VERY surprised that SWEENEY TODD WASN'T nominated for AA Best Picture!
It is a beautifully constructed piece and terrifically entertaining.
Julie Christie in AWAY FROM HER breaks your heart and she is still amazingly stunning onscreen after over 40+ years! HAIRSPRAY was one of my favorites but I fear it will be swept under the Red Carpet. Michelle Fiffer's performance is so beautifully underplayed and nuanced you have to see the picture twice to see how rich it is.
Was also shocked that Christian Bale & Russell Crowe weren't nominated. I haven't seen chemistry between actors like that onscreen since Newman & Redford in BUTCH CASSIDY & THE SUNDANCE KID.
Speaking of SUNDANCE..the Festival is going on now and a friend went there this weekend. Can'twait to hear what was making people excited onscreen. Another friend's brother was listed as one of the ten new Directors to watch. He is Dan Barnes and his picture is PHOEBE IN WONDERLAND with Fellicity Huffman and Patricia Clarkson. We hope he gets a lot of action and distribution from the festival.
The acting in a great many films this season, is superb. This is true even on the TV series and Sit-Coms. They are giving us some terrific performances; Glenn Close winning the Golden Globe for DAMAGES is certainly a highend performer giving us her best and being rightly rewarded for it. Sally Field is no slouch either on BROTHERS. Alec Baldwin and James Spader among so many guys on TV are upholding a higher grade of acting standard than we have seen in many seasons. This is good for us and the Art as well.
Vanessa Williams gorgeousness and sensational portrayal on UGLY BETTY certainly deserves to be rewarded as well. Although America Ferarra is up for the same category she has won before and I think Williams deserves her chance.
I hope the Writer's Strike gets settled to everyone's satisfaction, and soon.
It is amazing how much revenue the Studios/Networks are willing to lose to NOT let the writers get only a fraction of the Online/Internet profits..ON THEIR WORK!
It is a totally unfair set up and the writer's deserve their share.
That is my Soap Box speech for today.
Must get away from the computer for today and have some physical life other than digit dexterity!
Stay Warm you New YAWKERS!