Tuesday, January 8, 2008


We here in the Big Apple are experiencing the warmest wetaher. It was 64 degrees today!! And will be 59 pr so tomorrow.
Where is WINTER?
In truth who really like fighting the bitter cold and wet slush that cloggs the sewer systems to ankle deep corner crossings? NO ONE REALLY. BUT if you are like me you LIKE the SEASONS. We have been cheated out of Autumn which was a reflective time of year and softly floated us into the brisk breath of winters. Not so anymore.
We have abrupt changes and are into a season without transitions.
The hardest thing to deal with is not to over dress and sweat and not to underdress and freeze. This can be a conundrum in one day's worth of weather here.
We were loving the mild evening yesterday and walked to the Metropolitan Room at 6PM for a 7PM show. Teri Ralston who is of COMPANY, NIGHT MUSIC and BAKER'S WIFE fame among others was appearing there.
We had a great time as she is a terrific showman. She even invited Pamela Myers into the act and Pam blew us away with ANOTHER HUNDRED PEOPLE which made her a Broadway legend in the 70's.
Teri sang with that amazing isntrument of a voice in all ranges and timbres. She also sang her BLESS THIS DAY from COMPANY and a song written for her from BAKER'S WIFE and time reversed.
It was an easy task as the full room was loaded with many performers from the days when innovative and NEW YORK type shows were a vanguard to mesmerizing fantasies both vocal and scenic. COMPANY. A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC, FOLLIES...all Hal Prince and Sondheim vehicles populated by the most wonderful and capable performers.
A lot of them were in attendance at the Metropolitan Room last night : Kurt Peterson of FOLLIES & BAKER'S WIFE, Victoria Mallory..looking gorgeous..of FOLLIES & NIGHT MUSIC. Donna McKechnie of A CHORUS LINE,HOW TO SUCCEED, PROMISES, PROMISES, COMPANY etc.., and Harvey Evans who is a Legend and a Pal and has probably done more Broadway shows than all of us put together. It was his 70th Birthday last evening. WOW! God Bless him. He looks great and still full of Joy and Energy.
Christine Andreas was there too looking terrific as well. She was the lead in so many shows SCARLET PIMPERNEL, MY FAIR LADY, OKLAHOMA to name a few. She visited Harvey's table where his good friend and pal Dr. Barry Kohn also sat. Barry is a great guy and a great help to the theatre community. He started the clinic for actors and still administers Flu shots every year to every arm needing or wanting it in the industry. Celebs included.
It has been a year full of allsorts of stresses and strikes..we all need a SHOT of something good I think
WE hope the Writers get their residual rights and monies and that 2008 is not just a rhyme for GREAT but atually is.
Walked from Broadway & Spring Street to 21st & 9tha Avenue yesterday and it felt good.
I guess I couldn't have done that as easily if the WINTER had decided to visit in her glory.
This year friends and fun are in store along with a welcome and needed change in the politcal air as well as well as in the weathered air.
I look forward to seeing you all on the Streets of Ole NY ..and New NEW YORK too.
Teri Ralston is at the Mtropolitan Room on Jan 13th one more time.
I suggest it as a great and fun and enthralling event.
check the link:



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