I had been thinking about politics and Obama and how he was being compared to FDR in that Depression, War and Economic Crisis years ago.
How the "FIRESIDE CHAT" gave the nation a balm in the sore throes of such irritating times.
Since I am not FDR or OBAMA..with no Fireside-all I have beyond my computer screen is a Fire Escape..so I thought I'd Chat while remebering the times I spent on fire escapes across the city dreaming into the ether.
Seems fitting that the view I have is through safety gate bars. Perhaps a metaphor depicting the cage we have been in for so many Bush/Cheney years.
I am VERY diaappointed with OBAMA's path thus far. It has not followed the mandate people voted for.
He has been folded into the Republican/Corporate Democrats way of thinking and doing business! It is safe and secure for the monied and leaves the people to wonder why he is behaving this way?
His bipartisan attempts turned to ash almost immediately with the 0% vote from the calcified Republicans in the House on the stimulus bill.
Giving Republicans THEIR way and more Tax cuts is NOT the path WE THE PEOPLE voted for only a few weeks ago.
The media has given the Republicans a LOUD PULPIT for their characterization of the bill as something full of Pork and waste. So the "bipartisan" compromise is to do what the Republicans want. How does that help WE THE PEOPLE Mr. Obama?
I SAY; VETO IT! and start again!
OBAMA has the Mandate of the People and although he seems to be TRYING to conduct a Change in ways of DC Business, it is not working. TIME TO STAND UP AND TELL THESE MEAN SPIRITED NON-PROGRESSIVE Republicans that THEY LOST!!
And I think he should RID himself of any Republicans in his Cabinet and get some Progressives on the Bridge of this ship of state--which is almost a SHIP TO NOWHERE.
People are ready to roll up their sleeves and go to some sort of work that will HELP this country get it's infrastructure and backbone back.
The Republicans and some of those Moderate Democrats have opened a hole in the Ship's bulkhead and I think WE THE PEOPLE need to seal it up and push back this tide of adversity toward the middle class and working Americans.
That is my own opion of course.
I hope that Obama takes the LEAP OF FAITH he should KNOW is supported by so many that VOTED HIM IN for C H A N G E !
If he doesn't I think that populace will rebel and we will have chaos and confusion and worse.
SO this Stimulus package bill passes the Senate with some of the HELP for the people TAKEN OUT. And the Tax Cuts left in for the RICH!
We have had decades of that Not working. SO what is going on..CHANGE? I think NOT!
That is it from me today. FRUSTRATION is bubbling and people are not happy.
Being the first Black President is wonderful IF YOU CAN FIGHT THE FIGHT.
But it makes NO DIFFFRENCE if Obama winds up as a tool for the last Administrations's and the fumes of the Republican Neo-cons way of doing things.
No matter how cute his girls are or how smart his amazing wife is. HE has to STOP THE BULL ...and SOON!
On the brighter side..It is almost 60 Degrees here in New York.
A BEAUTIFUL day..windows open...clean air wafting through and the sun shining!
We saw the Academy Award Nominated Animated Shorts last night at the IFC theatre on 6th Avenue..The old Waverly Theatre where (pre-renovation) once we saw Divine in the flesh..at the Premiere of John Water's POLYESTHER. I encourage all to see these wonderful films...from 2 to about 15 minutes each.
My favorites: PRESTO / OCTAPODI and THIS WAY UP...LAVATORY was also fun..and LA MAISON de PETITE CUBES was provacative.
Hard category this year for sure.
We walked home through Greenwich Village..Taking West 4th to 7th Ave. It was depressing..On W 4th there are at least 5, 6 or more SEX shops along with some long time eateries.. And some old eateries like O'Henry's is now a BANK branch. Have we noticed how many Soveriegn Banks, Bank of America and Chase "stations" are now ubiquitous along with Rite Aids, CVS and Duane Reades-- as well as an astounding plethora of NAIL salons? Add the huge amounts of empty or closed down restaurants and businesses and well..
It is weird and has changed the face and texture of New York for the worst as far as I am concerned.
The OSCAR WILDE Bookstore was o W 4th and is closed and that was the last bastion of Gay establishments to get the heave-ho due to rent no doubt. Unlike the "Bookstores' all around NY that are really cosmetic porno places, that was one of the few real bookstores where you could get literature and thought provocking publications.
When I came to New York in the late 60's the "VILLAGE" was a wonderland of Art and Artists of all ilks and strains. The amazing sidewalk Art shows and the stimulating conversations and odd and interesting people and places were abundant and fascinating.
As a young man I was inspired by the energy and unblocked horizons these mind opening and vision clearing esperiences brought. In truth anything was possible if you tenaciously went at it. Others who had that engine inside didn't hinder your enthuisiasm or progress. Now it seems like one has to come Pre-fabricated and has to struggle harder for what seems less.
I guess if generations now used to iPods and Computers, with less actual instead of virtual involvement in life's experiences, are inhabiting the streets where the likes of Ginsbergs and Lenny Bruce's and a Barbra Streisand along with so many amazing forces once tread...then the changes in venues along those streets is a given.
If they don't know those times or places were ..for want of a better word, BETTER..then this is OK for them.
Hell I remember when Unemployment and Social Security weren't taxed. When Healthcare was inexpensive and actually INSURED you!
When an Orchestra seat at the WIntergarden for the amazing FOLLIES was $13.00 and standing room even less!
I mourn the loss of what once was and hope for the stimulations that this city used to vibrate 24 hours a day. It was accessible to many more than just the richer of those among us.
It was once FUN CITY...A SUMMER FESTIVAL..THE CITY THAT DOESN'T SLEEP>>THE BIG APPLE...Let's hope the seed of that core is Gestating and will soon sprout again!
Hope that you all have a great Valentine's Day and if we need to push the new administration and Obama to the places we KNOW are better...I say:
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