OK today is my Tax appointment and I of course am not really ready. I did all the calculating and am about to go to my accountant and have him slash all the deductions. It is amazing how when you make less you pay more, huh?
And your that Wagoner guy at GM walks with $20,000,000 severance! Talk about rewarding bad behavior!!
The imbalance and inequity in this is stultifying.
And what is the story with NY State raising prices and fees in this time of utter financial devastation?
Somehow I feel that Bush Bacchanalia is still somehow part of the Greed Gene Pool and the antidote is yet to be swallowed.
I keep hearing, even on progressive radio stations from call in Senators and financial people, this tired phrase "This is the way business has been done."
If the Unions are making concessions then the management has to as well. It is grossly unfair and wrong. It makes Obama look weak and with all his educated speech making does nothing to secure our feelings or finances.
But that is my kitchen table philosophy. If I had a kitchen table or a kitchen large enough to have a table!
And let's not forget Bloomberg...whose answer to the financial crunch, especially for actual NY City residents is to make Malls and reroute traffic!!
While Subway Fares increase and services diminish!!
For those on Unemployment you'll see a $25 increase in benefits. Well thanks..but that Subway increase will eat that up.
And speaking of Eating:::::When will food prices come down? Gas prices went up and Food went up in tandem...NOW Gas prices have come down and food prices are STILL HIGH!
Let's not start on the ABSURDLY high rents that are still being asked for. Business too are closing left and right along every street and Avenue. It is truly depressing tos ee neighborhoods with empty stores and many replaced by boutique banks and corporate chain restaurants.
So that is how I start my new Fiscal year...Pissed and annoyed and ready to take more hits from the money mad world.
OH and let's talk for a minute about DOCTORS and HEALTH INSURANCE.
My Doctor recently retired and another was suggested by him. This new Doctor is nearby and so that was a real choice to consider. I called made an appointment and asked about them taking my Insurance. I was told all was fine.
Then I go there and they see that my plan is not covered by this particular Doctor. He is OUT OF NETWORK. But I was told by the office manager that wasn't problem. It was a matter of me getting the bill and submitting it myself and all would be fine.
So, it was a mater for paperwork.
When the time came post exam and lab work...well that WASN'T the case.
My Insurance denied payment.
So I go to the Doctor's Office, as I said it was nearby, and talked again with the Office Manager. He continued to tell me that his "Biller" said the Insurance company would cover the Lab work and that the Office visit was another matter. I was sure he said they would cover the Office would cover that and I collected my records and made an appointment with another IN NETWORK Doctor.
I had paid my Co-Pay and thought that the end of the situation.
Until only yesterday when the Doctor's Office Manager called me and tried to work a deal for payment! I was astonished.
He said that they would charge me for half the office visit and would work out an installment plan for me to pay.
I declined as I told them they misled me into the situation and now wanted me to pay for it?
I also requested my Lab report as I needed it for the new Doctor. They were reluctant to Fax or Email so I am awaiting it in the mailbox.
I fear this is not yet over, but am now aware of what nonsense can happen to you when you are not on top of things.
The Office of that Doctor was told one thing and I was told that and then it was not at all the reality.
My new Doctor takes the Insurance and as he is part of a Cardio Clinic that I have been to before I feel more secure about things in general. Also this new Doctor is affiliated with Lenox Hill and that alone makes me feel better.
SO I suggest you all get a "Second Opinion" on when you are having to change Doctors. And if something seems askew make sure you contact the Insurance company before doing anything. I made the mistake of trusting the Office Manager and when I called the insurance company myself I got a reality check for sure!!
I am off to TAX land.