I heard this afternoon that my cousin Mary Ann passed away yesterday from pancreatic cancer.
So I thought I would write a bit about her as it seemed appropriate.
I hadn't seen her since 2001 when we spent almost a week in Las Vegas laughing and gambling and having fun.
She is the first of the cousins to leave us. She was barely in her 60's and as teens we lived fairly close. A bike ride away. Her younger sister Amelia was at her side but her brother Gene was in Long Island at the very house that was a bike ride away.
They had a Levitt Salt Box Cape Cod and like all the houses Levitt built it was easily expanded and totally equipped to meet the needs of growing families. Not only that but these homes were built to accommodate the returning WW II Vets and therefore affordable. The American Dream come more or less true. The homes have lasted longer than the dream.
Homes there now are around $300,000 or more..not necessarily the price range for the "starter home" that the vets were to enjoy,.
We had many a great time there, especially on Sunday mornings before we trekked to church. Their Mom my Aunt Lena made the best meatballs. Sicilian style I am told..with raisins and pine nuts . I loved them fresh from the pan and crispy crusted and chewy and full of flavor and those delicious centers.
She always had some ready for me when I went there. The Italian households of all my Aunts and my Mom were always cooking on a Sunday...although my Mom started on Saturday night. I swear it was to torture me. I would hardly sleep as the sauce for the Sunday macaroni was simmering all night on her electric range.
Those enticing aromas flowing into my bedroom were a source of total desperation for me.
I would toss and turn and finally give in. Sneak quietly downstairs and find a nice heel of the Italian bread and scoop out the doughy part...buttered..yes Buttered (God I should have been a fat horse) the bread..smashed a nearby tasty but not Aunt Lena type meatball into the bread and dipped the bread into the simmering sauce. It was a ritual that continued until I left for college.
The house quiet, the soft stove light and the bubbling aroma of that delicious brew. I would enjoy every bite and had to be careful not to eat too much because sometimes Mom counted the meatballs. I thought I was so clever by carefully cleaning up, hiding my tracks like a thief and stealthily climbing the stairs back to my room. Being very careful to skip the one or two that squeaked and holding my breath as I passed Mom & Dad's room. I would climb into my bed sated and fulfilled.
I never thought that she might notice the huge chunk of bread missing from one of the three or four loaves. What could I say if she said something? " Wow a large mouse must've got to it?"
Anyway..My cousins and I would gather in the Cape Cod kitchen and munch our way to church. Sneaking a cigarette or two on the way.
Mary Ann was the oldest of the three cousins but a year or so younger than I. She was the one who loved Rock N Roll and to her the SUPREMES were, well.. Supreme!
We shared our vast collections of 45 records and many a happy teenage hour together.
She was a good dancer and so was I and I would take her to the dance floor of any family wedding or function and we would tear it up!
She loved California and over 30 years ago packed her bags and headed out there. She had no job and never drove or had a car. In California!!
She got her apartment and a job that was easily accessible via the public transportation. So she took a Bus to work and back every day!
She recently retired and was getting Social Security. Her retirement didn't last long at all. She talked of retiring to Sonoma so her ashes will be spread there.
Everyone is being philosophical and emotionally stressed but life is life and this is part of it.
We lost our last connection to our elders about a year ago when our Uncle Americo passed and that was traumatic. Now Mary Ann joins them and we all hope they're laughing, happy and eating Aunt Lena's meatballs in a Heaven filled with the aroma of those Italian kitchens
She had a rough time of it in the end so now...
REST IN PEACE sweet cousin.
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