For those of us who LOVE to bike ride..
Went South on the Hudson River path on Sunday. Pedaled to the Village and walked along the Christopher Street peir which was as crowded as Jones Beach in August. Then went all the way to Battery Park. Took a Left turn and headed for City Hall Park..Crossed that and got on the very steep incline to the Brooklyn Bridge.
I made it about 2/3 the way Up..then had to walk the bike along the wooden boardwalk high above the congested traffic and very noisy and vulgar motorcycle group burping and belching and roaring its way across to Manhattan.
My friend Kel and I did the trip and we both had to navigated carefully through the hoards of people walking and strolling and taking pictures...and the other cyclists.
We dodged them beautifully and managed to see a spectacular view of the East river north and south. The Manhattan Bridge to our left was in all its glory as well.
It was 90 degrees and those ubiquitous plastic water bottles were heaped into every trash can. Most cans were overflowing with them. The worst thing was that along the bottom of the fence was a trail of these bottles wedged into the space between the fence and the boardwalk. That lined a great deal of the pathway. I pity the cleanup people. But if the same homeless guys on my block hit that bridge they would have enough cash from the returns to buy a house in the Hamptons!
Once on the Brooklyn side of the bridge we hit DUMBO where friends were selling at an indoor flea market. We said a quick hello and then headed back.
We found an entrance to the bridge that was about three sets of a bout 15 steps and it got you right to the bike path without having to go another mile tot he lower incline of the mouth of the Tillary St entrance. SO we cut off a lot of very nasty uphill peddling.
The trip back across was less difficult and the view was again a lure of pleasure.
We retraced our path up the Hudson and this time ended near the FRYING PAN BARGE on about 30th St. We parted company and I took a walk along the newly opened pier at about 25th St. A Goose was standing guard over his lady while she sat on her eggs.
He was easily agitated when anyone came too near him although we were on the outside of a police barrier and well over 15 or 20 feet from the lady Goose. Nice to see Chivalry abides well and hearty even in a silly Goose.
I headed home soon after that and rested and met friends for a very good but expensive dinner at LA BOTTEGA on 9th Ave. we sat outside and the weather was still warm and balmy. Aside form the outrageous cost of what it takes to eat out in NYC it was a delightful evening.
Less than half a chicken on a slab of steamed Spinach was $21..cocktails starting at $11 FOR WINE! BY THE GLASS!
They did make a terrific Grilled Octopus salad for $9 that is worth it.
We cannot afford to do this very often . What used to cost about $30 to $40 per person now cost easily $60 Plus!
They have raised my Health Insurance Premiums by $30 more a month and God knows what they will do with the Subway as the MTA is screaming a Billion or more in deficit.
This country is in a bind and they are charging MORE for LESS and people are losing Jobs daily. Unemployment hardly covers any of this IF you are lucky enough to get a claim going.
And I found out the Unemployment is NY is $405 Plus a $25 increase visa Obama, so $430. THEY TAKE 10% TAX out of that so you don't really get that..BUT NEW JERSEY gets $560 Plus $25 SO $585 is their top. THAT is closer to being a help than the actual $387 New Yorkers get. HOW CAN THAT BE? But there you are.
And the new CHELSEA ENCLAVE building across the street from us on a Non Profit Tax abated land ( It is a Seminary) is asking ONE to FOUR Million for its not even completed "luxury" condos. Meantime the DeNiro Ultra high end Real Estate Offices that took up two of the Commercial rental stores in our building had to close up and leave like a thief in the night. One night it was there. Next afternoon a few lamps and desks and debris were left in an empty space. The Day before the board with pictures and prices was touting OUTRAGEOUS sums for apartment spaces that a Compact Car would have trouble backing into!
In prior years an apartment was said to have 3 rooms if it had a Living room Dining Room and Bedroom..Kitchens and Bathrooms weren't considered "ROOMS" Now if you count those you are paying for a 5 ROOM apartment..God knows what they consider a foyer nowadays.
Anyway..We and frienmds are managing to hold our own even with work and jobs being either hard to get or seldom hiring.
We are also reading that the Banks are holding back from the market many more properties that are foreclosed in an attempt to keep the pricces inflated. Sellers KNOW this and are boosting their prices to meet that.
SO anyone buying beware! Prioces are likely to fll even more inthe coming months once this nonsense is uncovered publically enough to embarrass the Banks into TRUTHFUL behavior.
Now we have to add SWINE FLU to our daily romp through this congested and confined city.
Stay healthy and RIDE A BIKE. I highly recommend it.
Enjoy the glorious weather.
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