Long time no Blog.
Been busy with auditions and appointments and friends from out of town.
Good friend Clark is here form California and we have hto a few shows.
Saw ROYAL FAMILY last evening and thought it terrific. SO wonderful to see such a well constructed and fun and theatrically centric play.Ooutstanding Rosemary Harris and Jan Maxwell in the role Harris played years ago with Ellis Rabe.
The Biltmore now Friedman Theatre is stunning and a perfect PLAY-house.
The evena dn evening were enhanced bu thelustre of gorgeous GlennClose and the illustrious Stephen Sondheim in the audience. Roger Rees also added to the celebritized.
At Bar Centrale, my favorite haunt we saw Tyne Daly looking great and had a few laughs with colleague and pal Richard Kind.
That was a real New York night!
I have seen TOXIC AVENGER which is so much mad fun your cheeks will hurt from laughing. Nancy Opel deserves all the wards the community cna throw at her for a boundless performance both vocally and comedically. The entire cast is on the mark and works like a troupe or battalion proportions.
See it as it is closing in January..SO WORTH THE TIME.
WISHFUL DRINKING was highly recommended by many including Rex Reed who is afriend of Clarks. He was so right. Carrie Fisher is a hoot and a holler. SHe takes you onj a roller coaster of mad fun and twisted logic that is epoused in Hollywood.
RAGTIME was perfection. Marcia Milgrom Dodge did a superb job from top to tips.
The cast was headed by a now mature and engaging Christiane Noll. Her singing was as usual flawless and her characterization of "Mother" was full of inner strength and determination. Bravo to all.
BYE BYE BIRDIE..wrong WRONG wrong!
This production is odd. And it is definitely not the original script and not giving us the consistent charm. The casting is off and some performers are not in the same show. I thought the show not as bad as some of the reviews offered. But even though everyone was workignhard and sometimes hit the mark the uneveness was off putting.
And: the town the MaCafees live in is called Sweet Apple..Their house looked as slick and cosmopolitan as any NY apartment. Not a vestige of a Shrub or Foiliage or anything suburban. I am critical of it becasue it had moments and some talent, It just didn't work.
That was my foray into the Rialto and tonight I am seeing the Midnight Movie Show of 2012.
We have been enjoying the very MILD weather. We walked Central Park this weekend adn the place was alive with activity and energy. It is such a beautiful park.
Back to the audiiton grind and job searching next week.
Hope you all are having a terrific Fall and enjoying the Season.
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