After a few days of Summer here in NYC we are back to a Springlike temperature???
What's up with that? Climate change abounds!
However the flowers and trees are popping and pronouncing the beautiful season of Spring no matter what the temperature.
Taxes are done and auditioning for projects is still an ongoing process.
Friends are out and about and enjoying the season on foot and on wheels.
One friend had a bike accident along the Hudson path. Bicycle traffic has become a thick and congested product of this city. I prefer not to think that eventually there will be more RULES constricting our cycling freedoms. But the more the congestion the more that might be in our restricted future.
My friend was bruised and battered but fine.
Cycling in the city is not like a smooth open ride in the country. SO be mindful of fellow cyclists especially on the now jammed paths. And let's not forget the pedestrians.
We have red the bad notices of THE ADAMS FAMILY and are sorry it isn't what we hoped. Especially with such a terrific cast.
I saw A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC and was mesmerized by veteran Angela Lansbury's ability to bring the audience into a magical place. She is truly a wonder and wonderful.
I saw the original and Glynis Johns was out that last preview. This time Catherine Zeta Jones was on vacation. I feel I am cursed to NOT see this show in any form with the original cast.
My opinion is that the Original 1973 was better mounted and staged. But this audience last Saturday night, perhaps not having my experience in 1973, was enthusiastic and applauded resoundingly at curtain calls.
I was also sad to hear such negative criticism of SONDHEIM ON SONDHEIM.
One likes to keep their heroes and icons in a sacred place remembering the solid impact their original presence and offerings made
I saw COMPANY, NIGHT MUSIC and the astoundingly amazing FOLLIES in their original forms.
These productions moved the musical theatre forward an Upward. Innovative and provocative and set NEW standards of excellence in style and content and direction.
Bravo Hal Prince and Steve Sondheim and Barr / Woodward who had the foresight to be the Producers of this Historical piece...among other great theatre projects.
SWEENEY TODD, as far as I am concerned, is Sondheim's PORGY & BESS. It is thematically, musically and structurally flawless. I saw the original 2 times and found it fascinating on all fronts.
Having done the First national tour of SWEENEY and many other regional forms, I learned that it retains it's strengths and also makes the actors in it rise to its heights of excellence. Sometimes beyond what they think is their own limits.
I am not opposed to saving $$ on new versions of these shows as long as they retain the initial majesty and magic beyond the lure of "name" performers and "name" directors.
But the one thing I abhor is the tinny tiny sound of the new orchestrations. Listening to the original one becomes so aware that the orchestrations and the instrumentation voicing were such a MAJOR part of the success of the original productions.
I hope that we get to see more original shows that are s solid and innovative and provocative as what Sondheim and Prince gave us decades ago.
Enough..this sounds like a Thesis
Hope you all are enjoying the less humid clime today and the foliage
Happy Cycling
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