AT LAST it truly feels like Fall....AUTUMN IN NEW YORK.
Time to hit Central Park and walk among the falling colors and breathe the crisp air.
There are so many lovely parks in the city and now is the time to take advantage.
Was out all afternoon and New york was active and without the humidity even the crowds were bearable.
Chelsea is so congested now it is like the Upper West Side when it comes to street traffic. They have overbuilt with too many highrise buildings let alone the plethera of small sidewalk Bank places and the ubiquitous Nail Salons!
My God how many Nail salons do you have in your neighborhood? huh? We have about 9 in a 3 block area. Oh I forgot the necessity of Duane Reade, CVS and Rite Aid now standing guard on about every corner or block in this area and along the avenues.
We used to laugh at the cloning of Starbucks but now it is these overly present boring establishments as well.
We are not at a loss for restaurants either..more and more. One day I counted about 19 in a four block walk.
The Noise level in a lot of these places along witht he outrageous prices ofr Wine let alone entrees keeps us going to only certain places. But for High end dining DEL POSTO is a sure fire HIT! Expensive like a Dowager Dame from the past..dripping in elegance and spruce. WOrht saving your pennies for. ON 10th near 15th Street.
I seldom go to Starbucks anymore since they raised the prices. I lived on that coffee as I traveled the length and width of the US and even in Tokyo in 2001. Say what you like about them their product is consistantly good grade and satisfying.
However I make my own and go to Bergamonte on 20th and 9th for a scrumptious Almond Croissant or two now and again.
I have taken to drinking more Tea than coffee nowadays and have a great love of Chai Black Tea but down more Green and White tea for health reasons.
I have to go meet friends for a Birthday gatehring at 10PM. Usually I am if not in Bed then on bed by 9:30 these days. But this is a friend of long standing. I met him when he was 18 years old...adn is now 45!!
Tempis Fugit and all that Jazz.
Bye for now
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