So yesterday I was emailed the link ot the STAGEHAND'S STRIKE that was broadcast on NY 1.
It is rather an amazing thing. It is also ultimately refreshing to hear the voice of not only that Union but of the Musicians 802 local and the Actor's Equity Association. All spole respectfully of the opposition but were adamant about not giving away things that were fought for and were a necessity in todays Ultra Technical theatrical environs.
The Stagehands President Caffey was strong and obviously not intimidated by the Producer's very blatant tactic of making the public venues aware of provate negotiating.
And they also were willing ot throw certain points to the public arena that were not true and so did what the Republican party is so good at; Creating a mind set. But the Union refused to take that bait and walked from the table until these terms were not part of the negotiation patois.
So we see a seed of the workers standing up to the tyrannical depotic pin this case Producers.
They want to lower minumums and cut back on crews. Which will disrupt not only the shows but the safety of the houses one works in.
SO we'll see. I was ultimately inplressed with jJohn Connelly the Exec Sec of the Actror's Union who spoke passionately about how this i s a reflection of what is going on in this country. But this is NEW YORK CITY and this is a totally PROFESSIONAL business. Not a bunch of unwashed low lifes doing these intricate and sometimes dangerous jobs.
I am empathetic and sympathetic. I also can't understand the grosses on some shows being over A MILLION A WEEK and the Producers wanting MORE PROFIT...taken from their workers.
REMEMBER : ALL people who work in the theatrical profession do not have a guarantee of a 52 week season. If you are getting decent pay it is always in danger of the show closing.
SO even a Glenn Close may make tens of thousands a week..but if her show closes she needs a job!
The Stagehand's PResident said at one point "I am a representative of my people in the Union. I do what they ask me to do. I do not lead them they lead me."
Hey..I would just like a decent paying job period with benefits and structured the way the old contracts were. We'll see what happens. I hope for the best. I would find it a joy if the theatre turmoil was able to be a model for other unions and workers as a way to stand up to management. I have to go watch NORMA RAE!
I have to comment on the weather. It is actually hot today!!
New Thought:
When is it going to be Fall again? I was sweting while doing house chores and realized that it si bloody Nov 13th ...a week from THANKSGIVING and we could go kayakking on the Hudson in shorts.
I don't much like this weather change as IU so loved the seasons.
Grouse as you might against the winter but I also LOVE the snowfall and the crisp air. Check out the two photos I took of the Olney Theatre's Main house where the actors stay
Anopther thought:
Only yesterday I found out a friend's dear Mom has very bad cancer and that another friend and colleague has Prostate Cancer. What is happening to us. What the Hell did they put into our food chain?
My heart and hope go out to all who are suffering with these awful maladies.
May the world mind set change and may ctrue humane compassion once again be the guiding force instead of the ever devaluating dollar.
Please get checkups and stay healthy.
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