Hope everyone had a HAPPY FOURTH and FIFTH as well.
We took a day trip to Fire Island Pines for the annual "Invasion".
It was a long and tedious trip on the LIRR and the day had to be humid on top of it.
The train was Jammed all the way to Sayville and we had to stand part of the way.
We got a terrific deal of $28 dollars which included round trip for he train and Taxi and Ferry. Which is considerable savings considering the Ferry alone is now $11 one way.
The Pines Harbor was jammed and overrun with revelers. There was an abundance of straight tourist types who had come from the mainland and from other Fire Island communities. Luckily it didn't cramp the Camp.
It did however make one realize that the dominated GAY resort was in it's final heaves on grunts. The loud Music and over zealous crowd was not as user friendly as years past.
The harbor was also jammed with yachts in every slip. Some were decorated and fun . One in Military camouflage and another in Hawaiian array.
Others just had rather unkempt drunken inhabitants sloshing more than the rippling waves.
When the Ferry with all the Drags floated and tipped into the Harbor it was a joy and always fun.
It always reminds me of the glorious shot in SHOW BOAT of the COTTON BLOSSOM coming into dock. Only this is more in the mode of IT'S A MAD MAD MAD MAD WORLD.
And it was. The inventiveness and humor of the drag get ups was very funny.
They had an array of FIRST LADIES this year. When Barbara Bush came out..covered in cobwebs..the crowd BOO-ED loudly..She promptly collapsed and "died"..The crowd cheered. She lay there as they announced the next FIRST LADY , HILLARY. Who adroitly Stepped over the body and the crowd went wild.
The Mormon Wives and their " I AM A PINES POLYGAMIST" stickers bounced out amongst the crowd with their "babies" (dolls) stuck to their breasts.
Pansy the hostess and Emcee was not as funny as in years past but still had the edge it takes.
Dixie Longate was the Pre-Show hostess and was fun and sharp as a Southern tack.
Once the characters are off the boat they meld into the crowd and it takes a lot of effort to get a photo but I managed. They all end up at the too small SIP & TWIRL and navigating through that with a drink was a nightmare.
We got separated from our pals and by 4 PM we were on the ferry back to catch the 5:32 which was late by 10 minutes. By 7:30 we were home and pleased to be here.
We had gotten up at 7AM to do this trek.
I don't know that I will want to do a day trip like that again. It takes a day to recover. And I had ONE MARGARITA...in a small plastic cup..for only $11!!!
The night before we had spent with my dear friend and colleague Calvin who was in town. He was here as David Hyde Pierce's guest for the closing of CURTAINS.
I attended that closing party at BONDS 45 and it was a lot of fun. And I saw many of my old theatre pals and met some wonderful one's including the amazing Marin Mazee.
Karen Ziemba was there and lovely and sweet as usual, She and Calvin hit it off beautifully.
On July 3rd we went up to Stamford to see the ailing and frail and amazing June Havoc.
She is bedridden and infirm but sharp at the advanced age of 95 ! Or she thinks it is 95 because Mama Rose always lied about her age.
She is a wonderful human being and full of theatre history and joy even in her present state. We should be so grateful that she is still with us and still able to share some of her history.
She sold some of her theatre memorabilia at Christies this December. My pal Clark bought the original picture of "Dainty June" in the farm number with Caroline the COW.
He also purchased a stained glass EXIT sign. It was from the original decor of the Palace Theatre on Broadway. WOW!!
It ws an emotional afternoon as Calvin had worked with June many years ago in a BUS & Truck, remember those, of SWEENEY TODD. She can hardly see now from a botched cataract operation but she still can be riveting when expressing herself through those peepers.
She was a Beauty and a Wit and smart and ultra talented. She never gained the wider fame and celebrity of her sister Gypsy. But she easily had "IT" in spades.
We came back by 6PM and had dinner at Rosa Mexicana on Columbus near Lincoln Center. That was a JOY. Wonderful and interesting preparations and a diversity of flavors. I recommend it highly.
We went to the Mitzi Newhouse theatre as Calvin had tickets for SOUTH PACIFIC. Kelli O'Hara was out. As a result we were able to get cancellation tickets 9th row center. WE LOVED THIS PRODUCTION. It is so well directed and beautifully performed.
Laura Marie Duncan was the replacement and she brought the house down. Mr Szot was worth the price of admission. His last note of my favorite song "THIS NEARLY WAS MINE" was as close to Orgasmic as I have gotten recently.
Danny Burstein was SUPERB and why HE didn't get the TONY is beyond me.
He should have gotten it for DROWSY CHAPERONE. As far as I am concerned... HE WAS ROBBED TWICE!
The BLOODY MARY was also different and more physically feisty than I had ever seen. Loretta was her real name and a more real person I hadn't encountered in a while.
We met some of the cast afterwards and that was also a treat.
Post 4th we saw TITLE OF SHOW at the Lyceum.
No that was something I never expected. It was a delight. Unique, inventive and thoroughly entertaining. It had great humor and terrific singing and wonderful music and concept. It was totally an unexpected treat. GO SEE IT.
We also saw NOVEMBER which we really enjoyed and laughed heartily.
We wound up at BOND 45 across the street after TITLE OF SHOW for dinner. DON'T BOTHER. It is way too expensive and the waiter we had was snotty and curt.
It had been fun and well catered for the CURTAINS closing, but it was almost Gothic on Sunday night with only about 10 others in the place. RIP OFF comes to mind.
We are leaving in a week for the Oregon Coast for the annual family beach trip. It should be fun as this year almost everyone is gonna be there for at least a few days. there will be 21 for dinner on the weekend ! OUCH..glad I am not cooking until mid week.
We keep hoping the Political atmosphere will start reflecting the needs and wants of the people of this country, but the gas and food prices are killing us and the Healthcare system is there to Insure that we will suffer the indignities of illness without support.
Meantime I hope Obama proves to be the change and light we are hoping he is.
Enjoy your Summer as it is still a beautiful time of year.
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