Just returned from a terrific time on the beautiful Oregon coast. KIWANDA SHORES in Pacific City to be exact.
It was way too cold to swim but the sunny days were breathtaking.
Didn't win at the CHINOOK WINDS Casino and ate enough for 2 people.
IT was wonderful to spend time with family and friends out there.
Jet Blue however cancelled my red eye home due to NY weather and I had to redo a to a DELTA ticket.
I love Portland and I HATE to say that the Security at the Airport is so Anal and nasty that it almost ruined my trip. This is not the first time...Last year the OFFICIOUS BLOWHARD OF A GUARD made me throw away a bottle of cologne that had about 1/4 of its contents left.BECAUSE the bottle -transparent and apparent- said 6 OZ on the label. I told him I knew who he voted for!!
This time I was late getting to the gate for a 6:30am Flight..well not late just not early enough to suit them.
They sent me through the SPECIAL SECURITY..If your ticket has SSSS at the lower right corner youa re MARKED FOR SCRUTINY!!
The Puff machine was fun..and the preliminary guards were sweet and cordial. BUT THE NAZI BITCH FROM HELL Swiped ALL my belongings and ALL my equipment. Camera/iPOD/Computer/Cell Phone ...and took her Sweet SLOW time doing it. I asked one of the nicer guards to tell her I had a 6:30 flight and it was almost 6:15..
She snarled "You'll Make it..You should have been here 2 hours earlier!"
Screw her..she knew not why I was there at that time..and had no right to assume I was being Tardy and disruptive of their UPTIGHT bullshit.
Anyway..the guy behind me was in the same predicament..a young fellow from Phoenix..said " I Hate coming here because of this. They do this to me every time I go home."
It is obvious to me that they are profiling.
I could care less but it almost made me miss the plane. LORD.
Anxiety from the day before into this ulcer causing morning.
I got on the ramp as the announcement came that the plane was gonna be delayed by 10 minutes..SO I relaxed..Kinda. Got to my seat. Sat next to a lovely woman from Westport who was also bumped from the Jet Blue flight. She had paid $200 more than my ticket for a seat next to me. The Airlines are gouging and it is likely to get worse. I never liked flying and now I have every reason to loath it even more. Given all that the flight was pleasant and I managed to sleep a little.
Took the Blessed AIR TRAIN to Jamaica and then the LIRR ..on a Senior Fare..home. That whole trip to NY from JFK cost me $8.50...I walked from Penn Station to my Apartment or it would have cost $2.00 more for the Subway. Lord I remember the Subway costing 20 Cents!
Since I got home I have been dealing with Unemployment and all sorts of bills that needed attending to.
This humidity is gross and my AC is working OT.
Glad to be back home and sad to leave some sweet people out in Oregon.
The family comes together once a year rents 2 houses, this time side by side..and EATS and LAUGHS for a week. We play SCATAGORIES, UNO, CHARADES and CARDS and renew our joy of being together and sharing.
I cooked one night and made a terrific Lime and Tequila marinated Turkey Breat from Costco..YUMMMMMM along with Crabmeeat stuffed Salmon..Double Yumm
The skies weren't as colorful as last year..but then again last year we were there a month later. So maybe that is a factor.
Anyway..I recommend a visit as it is a beautiful part of the country. Only you then have to go through that Security Gauntlet.
Hope the rest of your Summer is FUN.
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