Am very tired this BALTIMORNING Saturday.
We worked till midnight last night and by 10 were giddy with laughter and fatigue.
However progress is being made.
Watched part of WANTED after I got home and it was so bloody and vicious I had to turn it off before I dragged those images into my dreams.
However ; Does anyone look as good on camera the magnificent Angelina Jolie?
Anyway..I have been watching some of the MSNBC News and Commentaries and get too upset with the criticism and negative slants on Obama. I feel the man will do the right thing. But what the Republican and Corporate controlled Media is doing is trying by design to Pre- define his path. I Know he is smarter than that and ready for the game. SO much talk about the amount of money he raised and is still raising. I think that is smart because the smarmy opposition is rearing only a small part of its many snakelike heads.
Money will resist that venom. It is the ONLY commodity the Republicans respect and understand.
When their rivals have more they are annoyed and make comments and suggestions that it is somehow ill-gotten gains.
Screw them,
We are in a financial meltdown and some, Barney Frank included, want Obama to take the lead and push through for the change he promised NOW. But Obama is staying firmly aside until Bush leaves. But I bet his machine is working overtime out of the gangrenous spotlight of critics and evil wishers and negative nabobs.foul Congress.
ANd Chamblis winning in Georgia..That HATEFUL man---actually Sarah Palin won it in Georgia, not him ..but the stink of that race will foul the Congress for a long time. I also hold little hope for Franken in Minnesota. SO the Democrats are up against another Republican Stone Wall!
Ont eh OJ front..SAD indeed that it took so long for this man to meet Justice Head On.
He was pathetic and insufficient in his own defense yesterday pleading his innocense as stupidity.
The judge made it clear she was sentencing on the basis of found evidence in the form of actual TAPING of the incident.
So all the pleading for mercy was colored by the FACTS.
Ron Goldman's family was rightfully glad to see him jailed. OJ Mocked these people who lost their son..who OJ probably murdered..and continued to boast, swagger and brag at these poor people who were and are suffering a great loss.
He is a pathetic human being and more so for the fact that he was a shining Star and full of good potential.
His poor children have to bear the burden of this man's flaunting and bad behavior..Let alone the possibility and doubt that he may have KILLED their Mother!
This is layered with so many wrongs it is unfathomable.
OJ will have to watch his ass in prison.
Must get it together and meet the challenge and CHANGE of a new day.
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