Friday, December 12, 2008


NOT much MORE to say ON the FULL MOON FRIDAY but feel obligated to write something.
We had a late 2:30 rehearsal today and it was mainly for lights and DICTION. This piece is text heavy as it is lyrics and exposition and emotion all sung into one.
David Schweizer is correct in paying attention to that. As is Kenn Roberson in choreographing some literal stuff as it helps the audience "see" the lyrics. And the sound department here is superb and on it.
I truly believe that the 500 seat house helps a great deal with this particular show.
When I saw it in NY it went by so fast that you were overwhelmed trying to hear, understand and see the story. It was too much to assimilate all at once sometimes. You got the general gist of the what was going on and it was sung terrifically, but you were constantly running after it. And in a larger Broadway house it was even more difficult.
The few preview audiences we have had are ON IT. They applaud at the emotional climax, which is not the end but the middle,when E.Faye (Caroline) does her "Aria . Terrific! Love IT!
We have an 8PM show tonight under the FULL MOON.
I was up early and did the laundry which took a few hours due to the slow dryers.
I emailed Maura Stephens with photos and info for the Ithaca Alumni Article.
I also sent some X-mas present stuff off to pals.
I hope the show is a great hit for the theatre and of course it already is a satisfying piece for all of us to play.
MORE ON this all later.



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