I moved to the Company Housing on N. CALVERT St. right across from the theatre. It is a comfy place but I have no access to a car to run to Costco or Trader Joe's...so I have to wait for Company runs to groceries or call pal Bob and see if he can help me with a ride when needed.
I spent my whole Monday off moving and doing cleaning and rearranging.
I was in bed by 9:45 but watched a DVD of DARK CITY the Director's Cut. Love that film. Once I fell into a comfortable sleep I was awakened by unfamiliar noises in a new environment.
I chalked it up to learning. But by the third time my sleep was interrupted I got up an looked around.
The sound seemed to be of a crunching noise. When I snapped on the light I saw a mouse scurrying into, of all places, the back left burner of the electric Frigidaire stove!
All that was nearby was the straw basket of foil packet coffee and tea and some packets of sugar, Splenda and Sweet and Low.
I put the whole basket into the microwave and went to sleep.
This morning I was awoken by a NY call at about 9:30. I made my way through the 8 feet to the stove to heat some water for coffee. I took the basket from the Microwave and went through the foil packets..I found one Coffee packet with a small hole gnawed in it. SO Not only did the mouse scamper about and make a load of noise, but he had a Caffeine Fix!
So the little bugger was speeding through his coffee bean snack energized by his obvious drug of choice!
I have Dubbed him Lord Calvert the House Mouse. The theatre is sending someone over to address the intruder.
We go into tech rehearsals starting tomorrow in the theatre. We had a terrific run through on Sunday and I was semi-pleased with my own work. Only a couple of WordBurgers!!
The emotional impact of this piece is deep and real. E.Faye Butler is astounding and of course her extraordinary voice is an instrument to be reckoned with. Her acting is right on and dead center Bulls Eye!
I have to stop as I will run out of superlatives.
I have a 3PM rehearsal and hope my voice oils up before then.
My new pal "Shortie" the dog captured my heart. Bob and Kevin my hosts for the last couple of weeks have a wonderful townhouse and a dog that weighs about 100 pounds and presents a vicious and snarling facade but at heart a sweetie.
Anyway..I became a new toy. She was a joy and fun to romp with. I will miss the daily "dog-run."
I was so thankful that Bob and Kevin gave me a smooth transition into the Baltimore swing of things. they are terrific people and extremely generous.
Thanks guys.
I was on LAW&ORDER last Wednesday "Falling" episode in the last act of the show. I was too edgy to be objective bu tit looked good and the scene was 4 pages long so I got a lot of closeups. Thank you Director Michael Watkins.
Most of my friends MISSED it ..OH THANKS!
Have a great day and a festive December!!!
I am out and about to take more photos of Baltimore!
Keybored & the House Mouse
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